Unplug from the Matrix

What People don’t see.

I think we all can agree that the media’s main goal is showing us what they want us to focus on (Rainbows and Glitter) even if the world is burning down. Certain channels like CNN have always capitalized on the dependence so many people around the WORLD have or should I say had on them. Why do I say “had” you may ask? that is because the ratings for CNN have slumped as the seams…

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Unplug from the Matrix

A Letter to the Grace Family

Firstly, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and encouragement since following me and watching my videos. In April of 2021 the Holy Spirit led me to just go in front the camera and speak about the wicked things that the evil elite were doing to the masses; under the guise of the PLANdemic. At first I felt like am I really the only person seeing this? For it…

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